Sea inside intensive - inzicht in de zee vanbinnen 

Sinaï  intensive

16th - 21th October 2023 
Egypt - Sinaï

There is a fast track to an empty mind and to powerful breakthroughs, ending limiting beliefs, pain, stagniation. 

Er is een snelweg naar een rustige, lege geest en krachtige doorbraken doorheen beperkingen, pijn en ondermaats leven en presteren.
Surrounded by the magnificent impressive scenery of the Sinaï desert, and the Gulf sea of Aqaba, you drop in a 6 day  intensive. 

In these 6 day's you will experience the power of a deep nervous connection. It will change the way you perform and work forever.

While now you mostly use 10% of your capacity, because of brain safety barriers, you discover what 100% could mean in your life and you wil never look back at your old way again.
Omgeven door het prachtige indrukwekkende landschap van de Sinaïwoestijn en de Golf van Aqaba, duik je in een intensieve periode van 6 dagen. Deze 6 dagen vormen een intense leerervaring die direct een verandering teweeg te brengen in de manier waarop je denkt, voelt en werkt.
Waar je nu meestal slechts 10 % van je capaciteit gebruikt door brein beveiligingsbarrières, ga je ontdekken wat 100% kan betekenen voor je leven en je prestaties. Daarna wil je niet meer terug naar je oude manier van denken en werken.

Can you imagine

what would change if ..

... you could feel calmness and powerful creativity at all times?

 .... Or if you could really feel how your partner, your clients or anyone on the bus felt?
 I mean like really seeing in their heads and hearts?
  Can you imagine what would change if your hard work, hard times, hard feelings disappeared and would be replaced with effortless creating and more connections?
How much time, energy and thinking would you save?

Learn a unique way to get a clear GRIP on your fears,
on your emotions and on your thinking.
See a new way in how you create things in life!

In this 6 day intensive you get a deep and superfast understanding how you really work... without having to BELIEF ANYTHING! 

You get to know a powerful bodywork method called: 'The Work of Bodies'.

This is a experience based learning system, designed to make instant powerful an unforgettable imprints about your capability's as a creator in life. 

- You will have insights and understandings through feeling, through movement, connecting and seeing things through outsider glasses while being in your body!

- You will have a real life experience and a new understanding on how your brain, your thoughts, your emotions and nervous system actually works. And how to use it to create calmness, powerful connections, exiting new paths in life.

- Get a new feel on how to get clarity in body and mind
and how to look at high pressure and stress.

In 6 days you make SHIFTS that last a lifetime, in the way you perform, connect and see life as a creator.

Leer een unieke manier om een duidelijke GRENS te stellen aan je angsten, aan storende emoties en aan je beperkende gedachten of gepieker.

Tijdens deze intensieve periode van 6 dagen krijg je snel een diep begrip van hoe je echt functioneert... zonder iets te HOEVEN GELOVEN!

Je leert een krachtige lichaamswerkmethode kennen genaamd: 'The Work of Bodies'. Dit is een ervaringsgericht leersysteem, ontworpen om onmiddellijk krachtige en onvergetelijke indrukken te maken over jouw capaciteiten als creator in het leven en hoe je met hoge druk en angst omgaat.

Je zult inzichten en nieuwe begrippen ontdekken door middel van voelen, beweging, verbinding en oefeningen voor verbetering van de levenskwaliteit.

Je beleeft een nieuwe levenservaring en je ontwikkeld een nieuw begrip van hoe je hersenen, gedachten, emoties en zenuwstelsel daadwerkelijk functioneren.

Bovendien leer je hoe je deze kennis kan gebruiken om kalmte, krachtige verbindingen en spannende nieuwe paden in het leven te creëren.
In 6 dagen maak je VERSCHUIVINGEN die een leven lang meegaan, in de manier waarop je presteert, verbindt en werkt!

This Sea inside intensive is
  a medicine...

... a medicine for the 'rest' seeking part in you, the ‘over’ thinking part, the worrysome and insecure part in you, the problem part in you,...

These 6 day's in the desert and by the sea make you see what you are really made of.
You strongly review the beliefs and thinking that limit your growth.
You discover how to use your brain and nervous system like nature intended, through conscious bodywork practice and treatment, advanced contemplative moments and insight sessions. 
Sessions are carefully guided and tailor made to your size and capabilities by the creator of 'The work of bodies' method Bart Vanderbruggen.
As a side effect you become more effective, rested, healthier and powerful.

Join us 

If you want to discover how to become a mindblower in your world.
Join us if you want to make deeper and better connections.
Join us if you want to enhance your coaching, your professional talents, body work your focus, client creation, and take it to the next level.

Program and Logies 

We arrive and end the intensive in a private Dahab villa right on the beach.

We are also guests in a bedouin camp especially build for this intensive in a private silent part of the Sinaï desert near Dahab Egypt.

The bedouin family provides us with water, food, safety and knowledge of BIG nature.   


Als je wilt ontdekken hoe je verbazingwekkende invloed kunt hebben in jouw leefwereld.

Doe met ons mee als je diepere en betere verbindingen wil leren maken met je omgeving, je partner, je vrienden of je collega's

Doe met ons mee als je je coaching, je professionele talenten, je lichaamswerk, focus, klant- en werkcreatie wilt verbeteren en naar een hoger niveau wilt tillen.


We beginnen en eindigen deze intensieve cursus in een privé villa in Dahab, direct aan het strand en de zee.
We zijn ook 3 dagen te gast in een bedoeïenen kamp dat speciaal is gebouwd voor deze intensieve cursus, in een afgelegen deel van de Sinaïwoestijn vlakbij Dahab, Egypte. De bedoeïenen familie voorziet ons van water, voedsel, veiligheid en kennis van de GROTE natuur.

Our Dahabi Beach villa 
by the sea!


Practicals and short

Expect an immersive experience where people, all in food, surrounding, nature, teaching explorations day and night, transportation (excl. flights) are all included and part of your journey towards creating abundance in life.

Our program

- 7 nights, 6 days 

- Arrival on Sunday evening 15th
of October 2023, stay in Dahab villa by the sea.

- Starting Monday 16th of October at breakfast (8u local time)
- Introduction session, meeting the team, sharing practicals, opening of the experience
- we leave tuesday for a trip to our own private Sea inside Sinai Bedouïn camp where we will stay until Thursday.

There we will practice and study ‘The work of bodies’ method. 
We will have walks, bodywork, group work, moonlight dinners, sleeping with the stars.
You will have deep realizations and powerful insights that move your worlds.
We are guests of the desert and of the Bedouin family who help and assist us with food, water, safety and knowledge about the area.

Sunday 22 Oct. after breakfast we travel back to Sharm el Sjeik for your flights back to another reality, loaded with insights and a new way of being.

Basic pricing

Pre-program live webinar with all participants
all inclusive 6 day program, excl flights

990 EURO excl BTW

Full package pricing

Pre-program live webinar with all participants
all inclusive 6 day program, excl flights.
extended program of 3 private sessions with Bart to consolidate your insights in real life.

 Excl. BTW .

Limited spots available, only 3 left!!
ask for more info here:

We work in a small group of max 10 people,  so contact us here for more detailed information.

Get to know us

The Team

All of our team members are highly qualified professionals and space holders
widely acknowledged in their field.

Bart Vanderbruggen

Work of Bodies Coach - facilitator

Esther Verwoord

Spaceholder - photography

Michèle Fouquet

Retreat manager - logistic liason

Reserve your spot or ask for more info: 

Reserveer je plek hier of vraag meer info. Stuur ons een whatsapp of vul je mail adres in: 

Send us a whatsapp:
0032 499 77 33 30

Or enter your email for early access. Our team will get in touch with you for a personal call and lot's of extra info.
Thank you!
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