Healing simplicity
Therapeutic bodywork
from the iNS!DE OUT
from the iNS!DE OUT

"Let the Body do its Work"
Insight in mindsets that create better health and performance
The therapeutic art of inner composting
Ontdek hoe compleet je al bent

De eerst volgende WOBA intensive
Deeply inTouch
7,8,9 Maart In-house intensive
Woba intensive modules
Lesgevers en faculteits experten
Bart Vanderbruggen. Founder and main facilitator.
Esther Verwoord. Reflector and Clarity master
main facilitator intensives and retreats
main facilitator intensives and retreats
Lees hier meer over Eshter >>
Master sessies
Bodywork Rebel, Tantsu-Watsu master and teacher, Former European Karate Champion.
Fabrizzio Dalle Piane >>
Seiki & Shiatsu Advanced Teacher,
honorary chairman of BSF and EFCAM
honorary chairman of BSF and EFCAM
Frans Copers >>
Internationally recognized author, certified yoga teacher, licensed architect, and entrepreneur based in USA. He is the founder of LEVITYoGA™, MANDUKA™ mats.
Peter Sterios >>
Business coach, bodyworker and movement master. Founder of the Aola platform.
Moritz Lembert >>
Czech Embodiment coach and teacher. Right hand mentee of Mark Walsh, theatrics and trauma informed work
Daniel Navratill >>
Professional dancer, choreographer, educator and host of the podcast Material For The Brain. In Founder of 'Movement Lab' Vienna.
Matan Levkowski >>
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